Dental emergencies can hit at any time. We know the hardest thing about having a dental emergency is finding the right care. The last thing you will want to do at that moment is not to spend a lot of time looking for a provider who can take care of the bleeding tooth. Start looking for the right emergency dentist who can provide you immediate relief. Don’t wait until the worst possible moment. Make sure you talk to the emergency dentist Blacktown as early as possible.
Necessary steps you should take before you face a Dental Emergency:
A regular dental check-up is the best way of avoiding emergency dental situations. During a regular dental check-up, your dentist will check your mouth and determine what type of treatment you would need as a precautionary measure like wisdom teeth removal Blacktown, or other procedures. However, emergencies can occur even when you have done all the precautions to avoid them.
If your Tooth is not out:
- Locate the tooth immediately. If you can’t find it check the mouth from where the tooth was missing and make sure the tooth hasn’t been pushed into the gums.
- Keep your mouth moist.
- Try to put the tooth back into the socket without touching its root if possible.
- Seek dental treatment as early as possible.
If your Tooth is broken:
- Gently clean the area where the tooth is broken with warm water.
- Protect the tooth from exposure to liquid, air, or germs by covering it with sterile gauze.
- To reduce swelling, apply a cold compress to the face.
- Visit the emergency dentist Blacktown immediately.
If you suffer severe Toothache:
- Clean the surrounding area with lukewarm water and use a floss to make sure that no food debris is lodged between the teeth.
- To relieve the pain use a warm compress.
- Don’t put Aspirin on your gums as it can burn the tissues.
- If swelling is severe and you have difficulty swallowing, visit the emergency dentist immediately. Otherwise, contact your dentist Blacktown for an appointment as early as possible.
If your Tooth is Cracked:
- Rinse the area with lukewarm water.
- Use a cold compress to reduce swelling.
- As always, consult your dentist immediately.
Lost a Filling or broken Crown or Bridge Repair
- Even though this kind of problem does not require an emergency dental visit, it is vital to make an appointment as soon as possible.
- Having a large hole in your mouth or if there are any sharp tooth edges can cause discomfort.
Broken Dentures:
- If you feel like broken dentures do not require emergency dentistry, it can cause significant cosmetic problems. Broken dentures make it difficult to function.
- Make an appointment with your dentist at your convenient time to repair it.
- Additional tip: don’t ever try to fix your dentures yourself as you might end up breaking it further.
At the emergency dentistry, the staff will create a comforting environment for you to ease yourself into the procedures.