Most Common Dental Emergencies and First Aid

Most Common Dental Emergencies and First Aid

Common Dental Emergencies
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There is nothing worse than experiencing severe pain in your mouth. Although dental emergencies may vary, they usually involve a broken tooth or pain in your mouth. No matter how careful you are accidents happen, and when you encounter a dental emergency, you must know what to do so that you can save your tooth. While visiting the emergency dentist Blacktown is essential, there are certain things that you can do to prevent further damage.

Here is a list of the most common dental emergencies with advice for what you can do to help yourself during a dental emergency.

Knocked out your tooth

If you have had an accident or fallen, your tooth may become loose. When you have experienced a trauma, you should call the emergency dentist Blacktown immediately. In case if you have knocked out your tooth, proper action can help save your tooth and replant it successfully.

Act immediately within 30 minutes and visit the dentist.  Locate the tooth, handle it carefully, and never touch the root of the tooth, hold only the crown part. Use only water to rinse off any dirt from the tooth. Never use any soap or chemicals to wash it. After rinsing, try to put back the tooth back into its socket right away. Hold the tooth in place by gently biting down on it and head to the nearby dental office.

Cracked tooth

Whether you have cracked your tooth due to an injury or wear and tear, you may experience pain when you chew the food or sudden pain when the cracked tooth is exposed to hot or cold temperatures. If your tooth is cracked or fractured, call the dentist immediately. You can take over-the-counter pain killers to minimise pain and discomfort.

A Painful or infected tooth

If you experience severe pain at the very back of your mouth, there are chances that your wisdom teeth are growing. If a wisdom tooth gets impacted or partially erupted, it may cause an infection.  The wisdom teeth removal Blacktown is the only solution to get rid of the pain and prevent infection. If you think you have an oral infection, you need to get help from the dentist quickly.

Bleeding and Swelling

If your gums are bleeding, it should not be ignored as it may be gum disease. If you could see blood when you floss, it is an early sign of gingivitis. Although it is not an emergency, it should be examined sooner to prevent further problems. Gum disease the leading cause of tooth loss. So, it is essential to act immediately if your gums bleed. Also, swelling is never a good sign as it indicates a serious oral infection. If you are experiencing swelling, use ice packs to reduce swelling in your face and visit the dentist Blacktown to rule out the condition.