Why Is Good Oral Hygiene Important For Older Adults?0On August 12, 2019August 12, 2019By Dentist Sydney CBDIn Oral HealthTags dental clinic, dentist Aging doesn’t mean that it is the end of life. You got to embrace it rather than feeling older. Yes,...
Pick the Right Tooth Brush and Toothpaste to Have a Healthy Oral0On March 29, 2019March 29, 2019By Dentist Sydney CBDIn Oral Health A study reveals that adults in Australia aged 25 to 44 have untreated tooth decay. Dentist Rozelle says that people...
Get To Know About the Impacts of Snoring On Your Oral Health0On March 12, 2019March 12, 2019By Dentist Sydney CBDIn Oral HealthTags Oral Health A survey reveals that 24% of men and 17% of women in Australia suffer from loud snoring. Snoring poses a...